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How to Tell if They are Interested


Kait & JJ Tomlin

Join Kait and JJ as they talk all about how to tell if they are interested, we’re talking the basics, mixed signals and consistency. 

A Great Date Question

  • Question: If you were a pro sports player what would be your entrance theme song?

How to know someone is interested?

  • I think what people are wondering here is this….Is he just being friendly or does he LIKE ME?
  • Guy version…How do I know if they are interested, women can be a little confusing sometimes :) 

The basics of this are as follows…

  • THEY TELL YOU - I know it is basic, but it is true. And it is especially true AS you are dating. If they like you and are continuing to like you they WILL TELL YOU. If they are interested, most of the time they will not only show it, they will say it.
  • They are clearly TRYING to connect with you - You want to invest in someone who is also investing in you. Often we tend to invest in people based on HOW much we like them, versus really analyzing how much they are investing in US.
  • You need to WATCH and see. Are they REALLY trying? If this is done ONLINE or on DM’s and your message is thoughtful and has a lot of words and they respond in 1-2 sentences, the investment is NOT equal. If you’re really watching, you WILL be able to see if they are interested or not. It doesnt always have to be tit-for-tat, but fellas.. If she is responding with “yes, good, oh that’s crazy, yea sure.. Or not responding… they are not interested. Another key is this…If the conversation dies down, do they RE-initiate? When the conversation stops or texting dies down, do they intentionally come back and chat with you? Who is initiating and how frequently? You can show them you like them, but you do not want to chase them. There is a difference between pursue and chase. If it’s clear that they are not investing back, then it’s one of 2 options. Maybe they’re either incapable of being curious, OR, they are just not interested. And even if they are not interested it does NOT mean you are any less interesting. :)
  • PROXIMITY - They are trying to get close to you and try to be around you. This is for real life and virtually. This happens at church, serving in the childrens minsitry, church potluck, small group, hangouts, in the  DM’s, comments. If they are consistently putting themselves in your proximity. 
  • They finds time to see you even when it is not convenient.
  • Their communication is consistent. 

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Kait Warman

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Kait Warman is a best-selling author, speaker, popular relationship coach, and the founder of Heart of Dating. She helps thousands of men and women on their journeys through the conversations on the Heart of Dating Podcast, which launched in 2018. 

Through her ministry, Kait’s mission is to empower both men and women to have the courage to own their story, walk in victory, thrive with purpose, and discover clarity and vision in their life and relationships. In her new book, Thank You for Rejecting Me: Transform Pain into Purpose and Learn to Fight for Yourself, Kait vulnerably shares how she grew through her deepest, darkest rejections and offers readers the tools to heal from the past, take back their power, and walk in strength, victory, and love into their future. Kait currently lives in the Los Angeles area and loves sunshine, walks, Jesus, and lip syncing to Celine Dion.

JJ Tomlin

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JJ Tomlin is a missionary kid born in Belgium, originally from Tennessee, and currently residing in the OC. He currently works in Gaming/E-Commerce, enjoys watching his Tennessee Titans on Sundays with his Goldendoodle Teddy and loves working with Christian men to raise the bar in singleness and dating.

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