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Events for
Christian singles

Join us and thousands of singles from around the world for practical dating advice, insightful discussions, and yes… even some mingling!


HODC 2026

Join us for a 2-day conference where Christian singles from around the world connect, make friends, and gain practical tools for healthier, more joyful dating.

Text SNEAK PEAK to +1 (214) 225-7772

“Coming into the conference I was looking for further knowledge on today’s relevant topics Single Christians face. Singled Out not only went for it, but leaps and bounds ahead talking about topics from Living your best Single life to deep past hurts.”


“The HOD conference has made me more thankful for the gift of the present, which is currently singleness for me. I have struggled with making marriage my end goal/prize even when I know I will never be fully satisfied by marriage. It reminded me to put my hope in what will not disappoint - my Savior”


“It really set my mind right about not seeing singleness as a curse and put me back on track to working on trusting God with my life more. It gave me connection, perspective, and hope”


"Listening to the speakers really added more perspective and understanding for me. It made me realize how important it is to appreciate being single and not looking to get out of it as well as acknowledging that rejection happens and I don't take it as personally as I used to."


"It has opened my eyes to see dating in a whole new way. It has given me tools and equipped me to better navigate what dating in COVID and online can look like. It has given me confidence in getting into a healthy relationship one day."


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Our fearless leaders, Kait Warman and JJ Tomlin, bring together some of the top pastors, speakers, authors, psychologists, and thought leaders in the relationship and dating space to join her for these epic events!

Heart of Dating Conferences are not only filled with biblical wisdom, but also practical tools and open dialogues about mental health, dating, relationships, sexuality, trauma, and more.

Our events are built to continue discussions on dating and nuanced topics that may not always be black and white. If you’ve ever wanted to go DEEP while meeting other singles, we’d love to see you there!

Stay in the know

The Heart of Dating Secret Sauce

Katie attended our first ever Heart of Dating Conference back in July of 2020!

Katie sat for years in her church pews, discouraged sermon after semon feeling like there was something wrong with her because God hadn’t brought her husband into her life yet. As she got closer and closer to her 30th birthday, she felt as though maybe she had “missed the mark.”

The only dating advice she seemed to get was from preachers who got married right out of bible college!

For years Katie felt alone, like no one understood her current season. That is… until she discovered Heart of Dating and Heart of Dating Conferences!

Katie says that these sessions have been an answered prayer. She spent countless nights crying out to God in confusion and pain, but she’s finally discovered a community where she feels renewed, refreshed, and encouraged in hope.

Katie is now ready to embrace her singleness and date with confidence!

Meet us on the Gram!

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