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Want to Make
Friends Who just get it?

…and are navigating the struggles of dating right alongside you?

We know that #thestruggleisreal when it comes to Christian dating, so we created a dynamic group for singles to uncover transformative ways to develop a healthy attitude and approach to their dating lives.

If you feel all alone in your struggle, if you’re sick of cheesy Christian mixers and awkward singles groups, and if you want to actually meet some epic people who will hear you out… You’re invited to join our family!

Hear From One of Our Community Members

He’s a real person with a real story that just might be similar to yours.

“I work nights so I often miss out on getting to socialize with many of my friends here in Australia, however my sleep schedule aligns almost perfectly with the standard day in America.

When COVID forced everyone into lockdown in Australia, normally that would ramp my isolated lifestyle into overdrive. Quite the contrary, as many members of this community had also gone into lockdown, some people got creative and started hosting game nights, Bible study groups and even conferences on both a virtual and an international scale.

I honestly don’t believe I would have mentally gotten through the lockdown without things like this available to me.

I originally came here for the podcast because I was hopeless when it came to all things dating, let alone throwing the Christian element into that murky adventure. I ended up staying for the calibre of people within this community, some of which I consider to be my closest friends today. I can’t recommend Heart of Dating highly enough and if you’re a Christian looking for a great community of like-minded people from all walks of life, welcome. We’re your new family now.”


Come Find Total Transformation with SOD!

The School of Dating (aka SOD) is our 8 week intensive mentorship program. In this program we equip you to MASTER your dating life.

We have developed a 3-pronged pivot approach to dating that leads to REAL results. In this program you will leave with emboldened confidence, practical dating tools and a true transformation in the way you date.

Join us

"It’s the real deal. I didn’t know what to expect and my expectations aren’t easily blown but it’s really dope. You get to create your own profile, pick out your interests and be grouped with people who share the same interests. You owe it to yourself to AT LEAST give it shot, it has blown me away.”



Come Hang on the Gram!

We love equipping you with tidbits of advice, inspirational quotes, helpful reels, LIVE #realtalk conversations with experts, and loads of funny memes to take the edge off this (sometimes nutty) process.

Have a question? Come slide into our DM’s… We’re ready for our “meet-cute.” ;)


“I am SO incredibly thankful for this community. It has been so encouraging to connect with fellow believers who are also going through similar struggles as me.

Most of my sentences now start with, “I saw this on the HOD page” or my advice comes from things I’ve heard from this community.”


"So far it has really been challenging me in the way I view my singleness. It is also helping me to combat my hesitations to online dating and connecting with others virtually."


"It has brought me peace honestly with surrendering more of the things I've been holding onto and not being so afraid of the outcome because in the end He wants our happiness so the outcome is always going to be fantastic!"


"I feel like something inside of me was unlocked, a door I had kept tightly closed. I realized my hesitations towards dating directly correlates with that thing that was stopping me from following my passions boldly! I’ve begun making steps towards my dreams and soon I will be making steps towards opening myself up to the possibility of a relationship again!"


"The conference has been so encouraging, challenging and uplifting. It challenged me to use my time of singleness better and to be more intentional about how I try to date. It's encouraged me with practical steps on how to do better and a Spirit filled community where it’s safe to talk about the topic, something I've been lacking elsewhere."


"This is one of the first contexts in which I've seen Christians openly speak about dating and dating culture. I rarely get practical advice when I share about the struggle of singleness with my church small group-- because I'm in the minority. It was so good not to feel alone in my journey for once!"


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Join our Heart of Dating Christian Singles Community

Are you a new or avid listener of the HOD podcast? Do you follow us on IG or TikTok but aren’t connected elsewhere? Have you been to one of our events but want to stay connected? Well here’s the deal. We created a SPACE for you to meet other Christian Singles in our HOD Family!

Our Heart of Dating Christian Singles Community FB group is specifically for single Christians 18+ who want to meet and/or do life together with other single Christians, and are serious about dating healthily. Our primary mission is to be a place to connect you with other christian singles- whether it be your new best friend or significant other- through friendly, and life-giving conversations.

Request to join
Group of friends taking a selfie

Meet us on the Gram!

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