We’re here to help you transform your perspective on dating and maybe even get online in a way that excites you.
We’re here to actually SHOW YOU how to apply these biblical principles to your dating life in a fun, practical, and relatable way!
A place where we won’t shame you for your past, or current struggles. Friend, you are welcome here (no matter what you’ve been through!).
Feel like you’ve dated everyone under the sun? Our input is applicable to you no matter where you are in your singleness and dating journey.
Here, you will meet an EPIC community of singles that will make you feel seen, heard, and understood.
We'll also give you opportunities to practice dating and meet quality Christian singles!
Our signature online courses, and dynamic podcast episodes are all right here at your fingertips! No more searching endlessly for dating help that actually works.
Here’s the thing. I’ve seen it all when it comes to dating: nightmarish breakups, ghosting for days, people that turn out to be complete con-artists (including someone who tried to catfish my information on a dating app). I’ve even dated guys that seem ‘holier than thou’ but try to get into my panties on a first date. All.of.it.
Oh, and I should mention… I haven’t always been the Queen B dater myself. I’m sure plenty of guys in my past would have some stories to tell about me, too. I went through a quarter life crisis in my 20’s, and I decided something major needed to change with the way I approached dating. I invested in new friendships, sought out tons of therapy (Lord knows I needed it), and read just about every dating book on the planet.
And guess what? I started to actually like myself. In fact, over time I began to deeply love and value the woman God made me to be. I started to challenge myself to date differently. I threw my idea of “type” out the window and decided to let God surprise me.
In this process I realized something: dating can get better. I went from loathing my dating life, to walking in my worth, feeling confident to make a move, and finally dating with joy and integrity. Eventually I met the RIGHT guy for me… JJ Tomlin! But not gonna lie, he was totally unexpected. When I met him he was a skater punk boy with blue hair living in Seattle and was 5.5 years younger than me. I never would have seen myself dating someone that much younger than me, BUT GOD had other plans! And guess what is even more unexpected? God brought our paths TOGETHER to now serve single Christian men and women in a fresh and new way. How GOOD is our God?
If you let us, we’d love to meet you where you are, love on you, challenge you a bit, but most importantly help you truly LOVE this time in your life.
(PS. I only have one rule: you have to be willing to talk about the hard stuff, k?)
I have definitely been on a journey of dating like a boy to dating like a man. I have been on both sides of the ghosting, left on read, broken up with and rejected so I FEEL you! I came from a no-dating-till-18 household that taught me a lot of do’s and don’t with not a lot of why-behind-the-what. About two and a half years ago, I decided that I wanted to date truly like a man where I lead with clarity, intention, wisdom and servant-leadership. This is also ironically right before I met Kait!
At the end of the day, the only way I believe we can effectively lead is by dying to ourselves and becoming the greatest servant-leaders. That is the true sign of man leading a relationship with wisdom, clarity and selflessness and what we at Heart of Dating challenge our men to strive for.
I am so excited to have you here, reading about Kait and myself and the growth ahead of you. We firmly believe that when women continually ask “where all the great, Godly men” that the answer is they are everywhere. They just have to be called UP (note: not OUT). We love seeing men LEVEL UP in all areas of their lives and believe the path to becoming the great husband and father you desire truly starts in SINGLENESS.
We are a proud partner of Compassion International. Our community of singles has sponsored hundreds of kids all around the world, and we’d love to invite you to join us on this compelling mission.
Right now, there is a child who needs your love, encouragement and support. Together, let’s use our resources to make a difference internationally and join Compassion to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name!