your dating life.

The School of Dating

The 11-Week Program to completely refresh your dating life + get REAL dating results.

Build newfound clarity, emboldened confidence, and the ultimate dating skillset.

Our next class starts May 2025 (dates TBD) - sign up for the first dibs list by texting first dibs to +1(214) 225-7772

Real Talk.

Dating as a Christian Can Feel so Dang Complicated.

You dream of loving someone else deeply and being loved for who you are, BUT your head is spinning with questions and emotions that are getting replayed over and over in your head. Sound familiar? Maybe you have been feeling: 

Rejected, hopeless and like you’re running in circles with your dating life. 

Like you have little to zero dating prospects.

A lack of confidence in your dating life. 

That you are actively attracting and dating the wrong kind of people.

And perhaps the biggest thought of all:

How do I actually land a dream date that I’m actually EXCITED about?

All of this frustration is enough to make you question your dating life altogether. 

BUT… you know there is someone out there for you and you know giving up won’t help you find what you really desire. 

You’re ready to FINALLY land that dream date that could lead to a forever.

Man and woman looking at each other with the beach in the background.
JJ carrying Kait on the beach with the sunset behind them.

Introducing The School of Dating.

We created this program to help you:

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Become the person God DESIRES you to be to be so you can ATTRACT the person that will be RIGHT for you.

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Feel RELAXED and CONFIDENT in dating and actually enjoy the process without seeing it as a waste of time.

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Know exactly WHERE and HOW to find QUALITY people to date

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Feel utterly confident in your ability to FLIRT and COMMUNICATE your wants and desires in dating.

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Find renewed JOY and EXCITEMENT in your dating life, while being thrilled with its success.

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Break the cycle of ANXIETY and OVER-ANALYZING and transform it into a newfound excitement about putting yourself out there.

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Learn true RESILIENCE in the face of rejection so it no longer holds you back.

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Have a CLEAR understanding of what the opposite sex wants and be able to attract the person you’re looking for.

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Implement the EXACT dating process that Kait used to go from dating to finding her forever love.

Find out more!

Have Questions?

Book a call with JJ to find out more about The School of Dating

Book your call

Fun Facts About School of Dating


of student are 30+


students per class


sessions most students tend to miss.


You get lifetime access to all recordings

payment plan

We DO have payment plan options


gets the best price so text FIRSTDIBS to +1 (214) 225-7772


We meet Tuesday nights and Saturday morning with BONUS Thursday night Office Hours

For Singles

If you are Single as a Pringle, this is perfect for you

for Couples

You can take SOD while dating/ in a relationship


of students who take SOD have never taken an intensive program before

The Schedule

We have 11 weeks of class!

Week One


February 25

Session 1: 7pm-9pm CT

Intro to Core Wound, Inner Child/Teen and Reconnecting with Parts of Self


February 27

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


March 1


Week Two


March 4

Session 2: 7pm-9pm CT

Attachment Style / Wounds


March 6

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


March 8


Week Three


March 11

Session 3: 7pm-9pm CT

Core Wound, Triggers & Managing Emotions


March 13

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


March 15


Week Four


March 18

Session 4: 7pm-9pm CT

GODFIDENCE & Healthy Anatomy of a Relationship


March 20

Office Hours : 7pm-8pm CT


March 22


Week Five


March 25

Session 5: 7pm-9pm CT

Type, Attraction, & Clarity in Your Values


March 27

Office Hours : 7pm-8pm CT


March 29


Week Six


April 1

Session 6: 7pm-9pm CT

Dating Mindset RESET


April 3

Office Hours : 7pm-8pm CT


May 5


Week Seven


April 8

Session 7: 7pm-9pm CT

Feminine and Masculine


April 10

Office Hours : 7pm-8pm CT


April 12

Session 8: 11am-1pm CT

Flirting 101

Week eight


April 15

Session 9: 7pm-9pm CT

Online Dating + Dating Challenge


April 17

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


April 19

Session 10: 11am-1pm CT

Pacing in Relationships

Week nine


April 22

Session 11: 7pm-9pm CT

First Dates


April 24

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


May 26

Session 12: 11am-1pm CT

Facing Rejection

Week ten


April 29

Session 13: 7pm-9pm CT

After the First Date: Anxiety, Texting, and Overall Communication


May 1

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


May 3

Session 14: 11am-1pm CT

Long Distance & Dating Hot Seat

Week Eleven


May 6

Session 15: 7pm-9pm CT

DTR, Boundaries, and Hard Conversations


May 8

Office Hours: 7pm-8pm CT


May 10

Session 16: 11am-1pm CT


You'll receive personal mentorship and coaching from JJ and Kait

"If you're asking me "what's holding me back?" "why can't I just date like every other person" "Why do I shut down on a first date", this program will help. You'll receive personal mentorship and coaching from JJ and Kait unlike anything you've experienced from them before! Whether you've never dated and you are ready to or you've dated the wrong way, this is for you. Come prepared to be stretched. Come prepared to learn and grow alongside of incredible community who loves you for EXACTLY where you are at in your journey. You're not behind. You're not lacking. If you're ready for a new mindset when it comes to dating, join SOD. "


I’m finding hope that God has brought me to this point even after the difficulties of singleness.

I’ve had a few different experiences where online dating was very unsuccessful and it was very hard for me to have hope about getting involved again. The course really encouraged me to get started, to jump back into online dating, so I did. (Spoiler, she’s in a relationship now, with someone she met online!)
I’m finding hope that God has brought me to this point even after the difficulties of singleness.


I completely rebuilt my definition of truly healthy dating

"I really feel like I unlocked newfound confidence in who I am, which was really cool since this was the first dating program I have ever done. The way I focus on my singleness is totally different and I completely rebuilt my definition of truly healthy dating and as well as putting myself out there."


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Hey, We’re Kait & JJ.

Kait’s a Dating Expert, National best-selling Author, Overacheiver, and Ex-Love-Addict.

She founded the Heart of Dating. A top 100 rated Christian Podcast turned empire of Christian dating. Today Heart of Dating reaches over 200 countries, helps men and women ages 18+ of all sorts of varying backgrounds, stories, and dating experiences, and brings together Christians singles in a tight knit, diverse, and compelling community.

Here’s the thing. We’ve seen it all when it comes to dating: nightmarish breakups, ghosting for days, people that turn out to be complete con-artists (including someone who tried to catfish us on dating apps). We’ve even dated people that seem ‘holier than thou’ but try to get into our pants on a first date.

Oh, and we should mention… we haven’t always been the Master daters ourselves. I’m sure plenty of people in our past would have some stories to tell about us, too. UNTIL we woke up to reality, broke the cycle, and transformed the way we were approaching dating. We invested in new friendships, sought out therapy (Lord knows I needed it), and have read just about every dating book on the planet.

And guess what? This led us to finally MEETING and getting MARRIED.

Kait resting her head on JJ's shoulder.
JJ and Kait holding hand walking on the beach.

I (Kait) used to jump RIGHT into the boat when I saw a guy who had the potential of being a great man for me. I’d immediately commit and often get deeply betrayed or hurt in the process. So I decided to throw my idea of “type” out the window and allow God to surprise me by doing a 3 month dating challenge in early 2021. I lived by the phrase “date the unexpected and God just may do the unexpected”.

I held dating loosely, approached it with more confidence and ease, and didn’t feel weighed down by pressure and expectations.

In this process I realized something: dating can get better. I went from loathing my dating life, to walking in my worth, feeling confident to make a move, letting go of unrealistic expectations, and finally dating with joy and integrity. 

I (JJ) had a bit of a different background with some similar themes! Even though I rarely took out girls, I definitely fell hard with gifts and flowers and wooing, so the sting of rejection was extra painful for me. On the flip side, because I hated having hard conversations and never led the relationship out of transparency and love, I learned the habit of over-analyzing, fearfully avoiding dating and even ghosting when not wanting to have a hard conversation! 

Between our different personalities and our unique dating histories, we’ve made just about every dating mistake in the book. Until we began to take responsibility, seek help, and learned to master our dating lives.

We’d love to walk right alongside you as you learn to do the same.

Here’s What We Will Cover in The School of Dating.

We want to equip you to MASTER your dating life. Through our unique journeys, we feel deeply called to walk alongside other singles to help you completely reconstruct your dating mindset, tool kit and experience from start to finish.

In this program you will leave with emboldened confidence, practical dating tools and a true transformation in the way you date. We have developed a 3-pronged pivot approach to dating that leads to REAL results.

Phase 1: Establish Clarity and Confidence in Dating

In the first part of the program, you will establish newfound clarity and confidence in yourself in your dating life.

Ever feel like part of your dating success is tied to how much YOU feel worthy of the person for you? Do you ever attach in love anxiously, avoidantly or even sporadically?

These huge pain points are incredibly common, but so hard to properly heal. We’re going to help you experience true inner healing and build new freedom in WHO you are. We firmly believe you must know your needs, wounds, and triggers in order to know what you actually NEED for you.

You will leave this part of the program with a renewed abundance of hope for dating and be READY to take the plunge in confidence.

Phase 2:  Elevate Your Dating Momentum

In the second part of our program, you will maximize your dating tool kit and how to GET OUT THERE and meet quality Christians….

Your comfort zone will definitely be pushed! But you will be amazed at how often and how many dates you get following our model (no more struggling with where to meet quality singles any more!).

We will also help you to take the plunge into Online and Social media dating with all of our strategic secrets to achieving actual success in these overwhelming worlds. You will deep dive and understand the feminine and masculine in dating, giving you the best flirting and communication tactics so you feel equipped to not only secure a date but also show up to a first date with ease and confidence.

You’re going to leave this section of the program having mastered the art of first dates, feeling far less weary about rejection, and WAY more satisfied with how many quality people you are meeting.

Phase 3: Get Real Dating Results

In the final phase, we’re not going to let you walk out of these 8 weeks without getting REAL DATING RESULTS.

What if you could ENJOY dating and actually have SUCCESS while doing it? We’re going to share our insider secrets to our most creative and meaningful date ideas that will make you feel connected and rediscover the FUN in dating.

You’ll also gain clarity on how to communicate and connect with your date throughout the process of dating. We will share our top LDR tips, in-person strategies and our system for managing expectations. Can you resonate with that feeling of liking someone and NOT knowing how to share your feelings without putting mounds of pressure on yourself or the other person? Together, we will solve it!

You will leave yourself equipped and able to discern what dating situations you should stay in and which you should leave, all the while leaving someone better than you found them.

Here’s What We Will Cover in The School of Dating.

We want to equip you to MASTER your dating life. Through our unique journeys, we feel deeply called to walk alongside other singles to help you completely reconstruct your dating mindset, tool kit and experience from start to finish.

In this program you will leave with emboldened confidence, practical dating tools and a true transformation in the way you date. We have developed a 3-pronged pivot approach to dating that leads to REAL results.

Phase 1: Establish Clarity and Confidence in Dating

In the first part of the program, you will establish newfound clarity and confidence in yourself in your dating life.

Ever feel like part of your dating success is tied to how much YOU feel worthy of the person for you? Do you ever attach in love anxiously, avoidantly or even sporadically?

These huge pain points are incredibly common, but so hard to properly heal. We’re going to help you experience true inner healing and build new freedom in WHO you are. We firmly believe you must know your needs, wounds, and triggers in order to know what you actually NEED for you.

You will leave this part of the program with a renewed abundance of hope for dating and be READY to take the plunge in confidence.

Phase 2:  Elevate Your Dating Momentum

In the second part of our program, you will maximize your dating tool kit and how to GET OUT THERE and meet quality Christians….

Your comfort zone will definitely be pushed! But you will be amazed at how often and how many dates you get following our model (no more struggling with where to meet quality singles any more!).

We will also help you to take the plunge into Online and Social media dating with all of our strategic secrets to achieving actual success in these overwhelming worlds. You will deep dive and understand the feminine and masculine in dating, giving you the best flirting and communication tactics so you feel equipped to not only secure a date but also show up to a first date with ease and confidence.

You’re going to leave this section of the program having mastered the art of first dates, feeling far less weary about rejection, and WAY more satisfied with how many quality people you are meeting.

Phase 3: Get Real Dating Results

In the final phase, we’re not going to let you walk out of these 8 weeks without getting REAL DATING RESULTS.

What if you could ENJOY dating and actually have SUCCESS while doing it? We’re going to share our insider secrets to our most creative and meaningful date ideas that will make you feel connected and rediscover the FUN in dating.

You’ll also gain clarity on how to communicate and connect with your date throughout the process of dating. We will share our top LDR tips, in-person strategies and our system for managing expectations. Can you resonate with that feeling of liking someone and NOT knowing how to share your feelings without putting mounds of pressure on yourself or the other person? Together, we will solve it!

You will leave yourself equipped and able to discern what dating situations you should stay in and which you should leave, all the while leaving someone better than you found them.

Success Stories

We have DOZENS of healthy couples who have come out of SOD!!

School of Dating (SOD) prepared me in ways I never expected!

"It helped me learn more about myself and how I respond and show up in any given situation. It brought about a renewed mindset in dating and how I could date more effectively and with purpose. It also provided a community of some really great people! Taking and putting in place all that I had learned from SOD, I started the "dating multiple people" challenge and am now engaged to the one God designed for me. I couldn't be more grateful to JJ, Kait and the entire SOD team for the opportunity to take part in this program!"


Think outside the box, date the unexpected because it might be the very best person for you!

"Wow! Where to start! Taking the SOD class started the trajectory of shifts within myself as it comes to dating. I was 39 and had no clue how to date! After the class, I wasn’t at peace to get back out there and wanted to process all I had learned. That winter, I went to my first HOD conference. The theme was unexpected! After the conference, I felt the peace to get back out there! My goal was to date, put myself out there, and meet amazing men. My year became a vibrant adventure! I dated 3 men at once for 2.5 months, challenging but insightful. Mark was one of the guys. The former me wouldn’t have given him the time of day, but I saw how the Lord showed up in his life. Wow…he is just the man for me! He is caring, funny, supportive, loving, respectful, hardworking, and truly honors and cherishes me. The physical aspect of myself I never loved is his favorite part! Over a year of dating, we are now ENGAGED and getting married March 29, 2025! I thought at 40 years old this was never going to happen, but my story just took some time…His time! Think outside the box, date the unexpected because it might be the very best person for you! I can not thank Kait and JJ enough for pouring out to singles! Taking SOD was just the step I needed!!! Now bring on #oneMooreMedina"


SOD is an investment in yourself and your future

"I can’t say enough about SOD and the Tomlins! I was in the October 2022 cohort, and it was amazing. The obvious takeaway is great dating skills, but my favorite takeaways are growing in Godfidence and gaining a wonderful community of friends who I’m still in contact with! I’m currently engaged and getting married in December 2024. Even though I’m no longer dating, I still use tips from the class in my relationship. This class is an investment in yourself and your future. Even if you remain single, it’s so valuable! The church talks a lot about marriage, but the Bible talks about us as individuals. SOD does an amazing job of instilling confidence in you as an individual person, which leads to a more rounded dating life. SOD is for those who want to invest in themselves, their future, and in others on the same journey. The Tomlins and dating coaches are equipped to help you along the way! Without it, I wouldn’t be engaged to the man I’m with now!"


It’s Time to Implement a PROVEN System to Refresh Your Dating Life + Get REAL Dating Results.

Here’s What You Will Get In This High Touch Program With Kait + JJ:

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16, 2 Hour small group teaching and Q&A Zoom Sessions (2 PER WEEK for 8 weeks) (VALUE: $4000).

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A Physical Workbook to keep you accountable, stay on track and have afterwards to get the results you’re desiring in dating (VALUE: $500).

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Accountability & Community Support System (VALUE: $500).

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Your own School of Dating COACH for extra SUPPORT and encouragement (VALUE: $1000).

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BONUS Thursday Office Hours to make sure you get all your questions answered (VALUE: $500).

BOOK A CALL WITH JJ to find out more
JJ and Kait taking a selfie with them kissing their dog.

Let's go

Payment Details & Payment Options

3 payments



This is our prorated price for 3 payments!

get on the first dibs list!

Pay In Full


Get the best deal by paying in full!
PS. This is the LOWEST price!

Registration is closed for Feb 2025! sign up for the first dibs list by texting first dibs to +1(214) 225-7772

6 payments



This is our prorated price for 6 payments!

Get on the First dibs list!

Or join SOD PRO

Want to take your School of Dating Experience to the next level?

Get everything you would normally get with School of Dating, PLUS private coaching throughout the program and for 9 weeks AFTER the program to ensure success!

The program is INTENSIVE, and oftentimes our students need additional 1:1 support. WIth SOD PRO you will get a 1:1 30 minute coaching CALL each week of the program, plus weekly coaching calls for 9 weeks after the program to solidify your dating life is COMPLETELY transformed.

As SOD is a group program, SOD PRO is the way to go to fully ensure 1:1 support and personal transformation (you literally will have 20 weeks of 1:1 coaching!)!!


Registration is closed for Feb 2025! sign up for the first dibs list by texting first dibs to +1(214) 225-7772

Have Questions?

Book a call with JJ to find out more about The School of Dating

Book your call

We Know You are Serious About Refreshing Your Dating Life + Getting Real Results.

That’s why we got EXTRA serious about the dating tools we are giving to YOU.
Here’s The Bonuses You’ll Get When You Join The School Of Dating

Man and woman sitting at a table across each other drinking coffee

Your Guide to the Best Questions to Ask on a Date

Do you get nervous about what to say and ask on a date? Fear no more with this SOS question guide that will help you have real, intentional, connected conversations.

Woman's hands texting.

Texting Scripts

Do you find that your dating prospects fizzle out because of poor conversation? We will give you our tricks to keep the conversation alive and exciting

Man picking up woman while dog jumps

Creative and Connected Date Ideas Manual

AMAZING and CREATIVE date ideas that will increase connection and in turn success of your dating journey.


The one and only Karrie Garcia is joining us this class for an exclusive teaching on Healing Story Work.

Couple having fun


The clear roadmap on how to meet singles and process all emotions and feelings following a date.

Guy sitting at a coffee shop, drinking coffee while looking at his phone.

The Ultimate Online Dating Profile Setup Guide

The EXACT photos to post to attract the quality person you are looking for (no more fish photos!)

SOD has transformed my heart

"SOD has transformed my heart when it comes to personal growth and outlook towards dating and empowered me to step into my God given identity.  The biblical concepts and practical steps for approaching being single and stepping into dating with a healthy outlook from a spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, and intellectual perspective have given me tools that have impacted my life. The investment to commit to the program was worth it and I am thankful for a new community to walk alongside in the dating process. "


Uplifting strength I didn't know I could ever have

"I came into this program with an open mind, a willing resilience to allow God’s Gracefully Discernment work thorough SOD in whatever way that would be. I can honestly say that what I came out knowing is there is a community in SOD that is the fortresses that gives you an uplifting strength I didn't know I could ever have. The sky isn’t the limit when you put your trust in God and amazing individuals like Kait & JJ Tomlin that truly want the best for you."


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JJ and Kait kissing on the beach with the sunset behind them.Kait resting her head on JJ's shoulder.

Kait + JJ, This is EXACTLY What I need BUT…

I’m worried this may not work for me.

We get you, friend because just a while ago we were in YOUR shoes! We totally understand that it can feel vulnerable and risky to put your heart on the line in dating.

That’s why the School Of Dating is designed to give you ALL the practical tools  your parents, pastor, or best friends haven’t been able to teach you so you can feel confident in approaching your next date with confidence, peace, and ease. 

The School Of Dating Is For You IF…

  • You are truly READY to start dating in a NEW way (no more complaining!)
  • You want to find and attract HIGH CALIBER Christian singles
  • You WANT to get real results and are willing to challenge yourself into doing something completely new and out of your comfort zone
  • You are ready to invest in your dating life to get the thing you MOST desire. 
  • You are ready for an active challenge that WILL yield results
Find out more!

I Know We Covered A Lot...

But Here Is A SUMMARY of EVERYTHING You Get When You Join The School Of Dating:

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16, 2 Hour small group teaching and Q&A Zoom Sessions (VALUE: $4000).

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A Physical Workbook to keep you accountable, stay on track and have afterwards to get the results you’re desiring in dating (VALUE: $500).

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Accountability & Community Support System (VALUE: $500).

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Your own School of Dating COACH for extra SUPPORT and encouragement (VALUE: $1000).

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BONUS Thursday Office Hours to make sure you get all your questions answered (VALUE: $500).

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The Ultimate Online Dating Profile Setup Guide. The EXACT photos to post to attract the quality person you are looking for (no more fish photos!).

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Your Guide to the Best Questions to Ask on a Date. Fear no more with this SOS question guide that will help you have real, intentional, connected conversations. 

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Texting Scripts. We will give you our tricks to keep the conversation alive and exciting.

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Creative and Connected Date Ideas Manual. AMAZING and CREATIVE date ideas that will increase connection and in turn success of your dating journey.

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Training Sessions with Experts and Master Dating Coaches... this round KARRIE GARCIA

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Dating Journal. The clear roadmap on how to meet singles and process all emotions and feelings following a date.

BOOK A CALL WITH JJ to find out more
JJ and Kait standing head to head on the beach.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the difference between SOD and SOD PRO?
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SOD PRO is everything in SOD PLUS 1:1 coaching support by phone throughout the program and for 9 weeks AFTER the program. In essence it’s 20 weeks of 1:1 phone coaching support. Since SOD is cohort/ small group based, this is the BEST for someone who wants a more 1:1, personalized experience.

What is the Schedule for this upcoming Program?
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Here is the schedule for our upcoming February class!

Welcome and Orientation - Sunday, February 23RD 6-7pm CT


SESSION 1: Intro to Core Wound, Inner Child/Teen and Reconnecting with Parts of Self - Tuesday, February 25TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday February 27TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 2: Attachment Styles - Tuesday, March 4TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, March 6TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 3: Core Wound, Mind Body Connection & Managing Emotions-Tuesday, March 11TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, March 13TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 4: GODFIDENCE & Healthy Anatomy of a Relationship- Tuesday, March 18TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, March 20TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 5: Type, Attraction, & Clarity in Your Values- Tuesday, March 25TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, March 27TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 6: Dating Mindset RESET- Tuesday, April 1ST, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, April 3RD, 7pm-8pm CT


SESSION 7: Feminine and Masculine -Tuesday, April 8TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, April 10TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 8: Flirting 101-Saturday, April 12TH, 11am-1pm CT

SESSION 9: Online Dating + Dating Challenge-Tuesday, April 15TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, April 17TH 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 10: Pacing in Relationships-Saturday, April 19TH, 11am-1pm CT

SESSION 11: First Dates-Tuesday, April 22ND, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, April 24TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 12: Facing Rejection-Saturday, April 26TH, 11am-1pm CT


SESSION 13: After the First Date, Communication & Managing Expectations-Tuesday, April 29TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, May 1ST, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 14: Long Distance & Dating Hot Seat- Saturday, May 3RD, 11am-1pm CT

SESSION 15: DTR, Boundaries, and Hard Conversations- Tuesday, May 6TH, 7pm-9pm CT

Office hours - Thursday, May 8TH, 7pm-8pm CT

SESSION 16: Graduation-Saturday, May 10TH, 11am-1pm CT

Do you offer any Scholarships or Discounts?
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We understand the cost of this program won’t be for everyone, and that’s something we are okay with. 

We believe that when you take the brave move of investing in yourself, you will reap the rewards through more specific RESULTS. If you got a gym membership for free, the reality is you'd likely go for one week, then give up and never meet your fitness goal. But if you paid for 1 on 1 personal training, there’s NO way you’re missing those sessions. You’re also more likely to get MORE out of the things you invest in financially because they resonate deeper with you and you’re more likely to try even harder.

Lastly, truth be told we have worked really hard to make this program as affordable as possible for you.

What if I can’t make one of the live sessions?
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These sessions will be recorded and made available to you within 24 hours. Also please check out the LIVE schedule that we share in advance!

Is this done 1:1 or in a group setting?
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This program is a group setting program.

The program size is about 50-60 students.

Will I FOR SURE find “my person” through this program?
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We cannot offer ANY sort of guarantee, but what we CAN offer you is clarity, confidence, courage, and an entire plan and process that will make dating SUCCESSFUL for you.

How do I know this will work for me?
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What we are teaching is exactly what WE have practiced and learned during our dating life that led us to meet one another. This work will help you through the nitty-gritty to truly become a MASTER in your dating life.

That being said, whether this works for you like you want it to is really in your hands. You will get as many results as you put time and effort into making practicing what we are teaching you and processing through the content. But we are confident that if you have a healthy mindset and are willing to truly commit to the process, your dating life will start to transform.

What if something happens and I need to request a refund?
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Due to the nature of the program and the proprietary and exclusive content provided, there are no refunds available. We reserve the right to refuse any refund request.

Is this for WOMEN ONLY? Or can men join too?
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This is a program for MEN AND WOMEN. Come one come all, we LOVE training and teaching men, and you are in good company (JJ will be glad you’re there to even the ratio!)

Is this for Christians only?
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It is not! However, we will talk about Jesus and incorporate biblical principles throughout. We will also incorporate healing prayer and prayer in general into some of our sessions. If that’s something you care to be around, make sure you weigh that before joining!

Who Is This NOT For?
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School Of Dating Is Not For You If…

  • You are not willing to put in the work to get the desire you want
  • You want to continue complaining or remaining stuck in a mindset that no quality singles exist
  • You are not ready to get out of your comfort zone and date in an entirely new way
  • You have never done any work on yourself before this program
Is everything taught live?
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Even numbered (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16) sessions are run LIVE by Kait & JJ.

Odd numbered (3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15) sessions are run LIVE by a SOD coach. In this session there is a pre-recorded video by Kait and JJ, then LIVE activities and questions.

We highly encourage students to attend every session LIVE.

What if I have a question that you haven’t answered here?
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You are MORE than welcome to reach out to our team at and they would be happy to assist you with any questions you have!

It’s Time to Step FULLY into Your REFRESHED Dating Life.

If finding a faith-filled partner is the desire of your heart we’d love to help you fall in love with yourself first, discover wholeness and healing, understand the practical side of dating and relationships, and give you all the TOOLS to get REAL dating results!

find out more!