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MINISERIES: My Recent Heartbreak and the Truths of Heartbreak


Kait Warman

When Kait wrote Thank You For Rejecting Me, she got into truly intimately knowing the various qualities about rejection, how it shows up, and what it does in our hearts and minds. To do this, she went into the layers of her most painful rejection stories to uncover how they happened, how she felt during them….and also what she learned through them.

What Kait had never considered in this entire process was that the very words she wrote on rejection would end up being the exact thing she desperately needed to hear in order to heal her heart this year. Write as she finished the book, she endured one of the greatest heartbreaks in her life! Today, Kait shares about that encounter and re-learning how to endure that heartbreak after diving deep into the lessons of "Thank You For Rejecting Me".

On this bite-sized episode, Kait talks about three very important lessons she took away from undergoing heartbreak:

1.     Within deep sadness, you will also find great joy.

2.     This is one part of your story, NOT the full picture.

3.     This is an oppottunity to grow better, be better, love better.

Order Thank You For Rejecting Me HERE

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