Heart of Dating welcomes back Ashley Abercrombie! Ashley was a fan favorite during our Heart of Dating Conference in July and we are so excited to have her speak on the podcast! Ashley is a writer and speaker, and author of Rise of the Truth Teller: Own Your Story, Tell it Like it is and Live with Holy Gumption. For more than 15 years, she has worked in non-profit spaces, leading faith-based initiatives, serving as a prison chaplain and pastor, speaking at conferences, churches, and events. Having worked on dozens of books with other authors, Ashley enjoys partnering with new writers to help them edit content, and write a winning book proposal. She is cohost of the hilarious and helpful podcast Why Tho, and lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two sons and baby girl.
Today Ashley and Kait have a #REAL conversation about value and self-worth as she tells her story of redemption, overcoming shame, healing from trauma, and overall grasping on to her identity in Christ.
What advice would you give someone who’s afraid of dating because they carry shame from their past? Could you share a little bit of your journey?
How do we find true value?
Can you talk about comparison and how that destroys our inherent value?
What is your final nugget of Dating Advice?
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Get a copy of her book Rise of the Truth Teller on Amazon
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