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How to Pray For Your Future Spouse


Stephanie May Wilson

Heart of Dating is excited to welcome back Stephanie May Wilson to the show! Stephanie is a close friend to Kait and was previously on the show to to talk about Loving your single life. You can listen to the episode HERE!

Stephanie May Wilson is an author, blog, and speaker. She is also the creator and host of the podcast “Girls Night” and author of The Lipstick Gospel and The Lipstick Gospel Devotional. Stephanie has been married to her husband for 5 years now and is committed to inspiring women to thrive in all of their relationships. You can follow Stephanie on instagram at @smaywilson and you can buy her BRAND HER PRAYER JOURNAL, Every Single Moment, HERE (we could NOT recommend it more!)

Why are you passionate about ministering to women in their single life?

  • Stephanie talks about her own single life and how she used to idolize marriage.
  • She made it her mission to help encourage women to thrive in their singleness.
  • What you learn in your singleness are lessons you’ll use in your dating and married life.
  • If we make marriage an idol then we’ll run to marriage faster than we should.
  • “When we act like marriage is the best thing ever, it sets up marriage for a fall”

What is the middle ground between loving your single life and desiring marriage. How do we get to that place?

  • Be present in your single life. Invest in your single life and this will help your prepare for marriage.
  • Invest in God and let him enrich our lives and our season.
  • “No matter how much someone else loves you, they cannot love you enough to convince you that you are worthy of it.”
  • You have to invest in your relationship with YOURSELF and deal with insecurities you may be carrying.

How do you respond to the fear of “being single forever”?

  • God doesn’t hand out husbands or wives based upon who is most miserable being single.
  • Don’t try to plan out when and how you’ll meet your spouse.
  • Living our lives to the fullest actually puts us in situations where we can meet someone!
  • Busy yourself in a healthy way! Fill your singleness with doing God’s work and embrace the purpose of it.
  • It’s possible to desire marriage and still enjoy your singleness season.

How do you pray for your future spouse?

  • Praying for your future spouse is one way to prepare for marriage, but it’s not the only way.
  • Preparing for marriage begins with preparing yourself and loving yourself.
  • Stephanie talks about how journaling has helped her through her journey.
  • There are seasons of waiting on your journey with God. Don’t lose faith in Him.
  • Stephanie talks about practical ways to prayer journal, even if you’re not the “journaling type”
  • She also talks about how you can use her brand new journal to help you pray for your future spouse. You can purchase one HERE

What is your final nugget of dating advice?

  • You don’t have to figure this out by yourself!
  • “Asking for help is not a weakness it is wisdom.”
  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable and ask for the help that you need.

Other Resources:

Buy Steph's new book Every Single Moment

Follow Stephanie on Instagram @smaywilson

Listen to the Girls Night Podcast HERE

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