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MM: The Person You Really Need To Marry


JJ Tomlin

Today, JJ's diving deep into the loaded topic of purity, breaking down why it's so much more than just sexual history and who you should really marry!


Hey, hey, hey, HOD fam! JJ here, and today we're gonna get real about purity. I know, I know, the word "pure" has gotten a bad rap thanks to purity culture, but we're here to set the record straight. We're talking about what biblical purity really means and why it's still important when you're looking for that special someone. So, grab your favorite drink, get cozy, and let's dive in!

Purity Culture: What Went Wrong

Okay, so back in the '90s, there was this whole purity culture thing, thanks to books like "I Kissed Dating Goodbye." It was all about making up these crazy rules about dating and sex, and it made a lot of people feel ashamed and guilty. But here's the thing: just because you're not having sex doesn't automatically mean you're pure. There's so much more to it than that!

What Biblical Purity Really Means

When we talk about purity, we need to focus on our relationship with God. It's about being tight with Him, just like it was in the beginning (shout out to Genesis 1-2!). Sin messed that up (thanks, Genesis 3), but through Jesus, we can be made clean and chase after holiness. Purity is about way more than just your sexual history or desires; it's about your whole self.

Keeping It Pure: Mind, Heart, and Soul Edition

Mind: Keep It Clean (Philippians 4:8, James 3:17)

Focus on the good stuff: truth, nobility, righteousness, purity, loveliness, admiration, excellence, and all that jazz. When you've got wisdom from above, you'll be all about peace, consideration, submission, mercy, good fruit, fairness, and sincerity.

Heart: Straight Up Purity (James 4:8, Matthew 5:8, Psalm 51:10)

What's in your heart determines what you do. So, get close to God, wash your hands (literally and figuratively), and purify that heart of yours. Those with a pure heart will see God, so ask Him to create a clean heart in you and give you a strong spirit.

Soul: Deep Clean (2 Corinthians 7:1)

Get rid of anything that messes with your body and spirit, and work on that holiness out of respect for God. It might not be easy, but this refining process is necessary for your spiritual glow-up.

Purity in How You Act and Treat Others

Purity isn't just about you; it's about how you treat others too (1 Timothy 4:12). Be a role model in what you say, what you do, how you love, your faith, and your purity. Love others with pure motives (Ephesians 6:7). When you serve others, do it like you're serving God Himself.

How to Spot a Purity-Chaser

When you're looking for someone, find someone who brags about what God has done and is doing in their life. They own up to their past screw-ups but celebrate how far God has brought them. Their actions show purity in their motives, heart, mind, soul, kindness, and words. Most importantly, their life screams "I've got a real relationship with God!" and it's changing them for the better.

Wrap Up

So, HOD fam, as we navigate this post-purity culture world, let's remember what biblical purity is really about. It's not about shame or stupid rules, but about our relationship with God and how it changes every part of our lives. Let's chase after purity together, in every way, and see how God blesses our relationships. 'Til next time, fam, keep pursuing God's heart!

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JJ Tomlin

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JJ Tomlin is a missionary kid born in Belgium, originally from Tennessee, and currently residing in the OC. He currently works in Gaming/E-Commerce, enjoys watching his Tennessee Titans on Sundays with his Goldendoodle Teddy and loves working with Christian men to raise the bar in singleness and dating.

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