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Should I Only Marry A Virgin?


Daniel and Elles Maddry

In this juicy ep, JJ, Kait, Daniel, and Elles dive deep into the sticky subject of marrying a virgin and how purity culture can really mess with your head!


Hey there HOD fam, we're back with another sizzling episode in our hot topics season. In this episode, we've got some very special guests Daniel and Elles Maddry from Moral Revolution! We're diving deep into the hot topic of marrying a virgin - should that be a non-negotiable for Christians? Get ready for some raw, real talk as we explore this sensitive subject from all angles. You won't want to miss this thought-provoking discussion, so buckle up and let's jump right in!

Should You Only Marry a Virgin as a Christian?

The crew tackles the age-old question of whether Christians should only marry virgins. While virginity used to be touted as the gold standard, the conversation has evolved. 

Virginity doesn't equal purity. A person's current character, heart, and commitment to Jesus matter most.  

Jesus didn't reject sinners but offered redemption. Our stance should reflect His grace.

Pride about virginity can become problematic as if it makes someone "better than." Humility is key.

The fruit and trajectory of someone's life says more than their past mistakes. 

Daniel and Elles share insights from their Moral Revolution movement, which promotes a biblical view of sexuality focused on transformation vs perfection. The conclusion? That virginity is great, but it shouldn't be an automatic dealbreaker. Grace abounds!

Disappointment Around Unmet Expectations

The conversation pivots to dealing with disappointment when a potential spouse turns out not to be a virgin. 

Harboring resentment or constantly rehashing the past isn't healthy or productive. 

The disappointment often stems from our own unmet expectations vs objective "badness.”

We must humbly live in reality and extend grace, knowing we all fall short.

The ability to process emotions matters more than perfection.

Kait vulnerably shares how an ex-boyfriend struggled to move past disappointment over her history. The hosts emphasize the importance of working through those feelings apart from your partner. Maturity to communicate is crucial.

Pride, Purity and Virginity

Lastly, the group examines the link between virginity and pride. Churches have often overemphasized virginity to an unhealthy degree. But purity is a heart posture, not just physical. 

Jesus used broken people, like the disciples. He looks at the heart.

Virginity can become a source of superiority. Danger zone!  

Time doesn't erase the past, but it does allow space for the fruit of repentance.

We all need Jesus every day to be better versions of ourselves. 

The conversation comes full circle, re-asserting that a person's character and current walk with God trumps legalism around virginity. Such good stuff!

Thanks for listening HOD fam and we'll catch you next time!

Headshot of Daniel and Elles

Daniel and Elles Maddry

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Daniel and Elles Maddry are the Directors of Moral Revolution where they are working to reach the next generation with the message of God's design for sex and sexuality. They are business owners, pastors, and more than anything, they are passionate about the next generation and seeing them step into everything God has called them to be.

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