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Former Porn Star now Pastor on Finding Healing and True Recovery from Pornography


Josh Broome

JJ interviews Josh Broome, a pastor who was once a porn star. They discuss how Josh's past does not define him and explore the transformative power of Christianity.

Pornography Addiction is Real and We Must be Honest

Josh was once a successful porn star, earning fame and wealth. Despite his success, he felt empty inside. He was searching for something more, something to fill the void in his heart. He eventually found it in Jesus and has devoted the last decade of his life to sharing his story and helping others find hope.

Porn addiction is a very real and serious issue that affects millions of people every day. It is an issue that can cause immense physical, mental, and spiritual damage. It can lead to a loss of self-worth, a feeling of hopelessness, and even depression. It is an issue that is often overlooked and misunderstood. 


The truth is, we are not alone. A recent study showed that 95% of men and 89% of women struggle with masturbation weekly. This is a reality that needs to be addressed and discussed openly and honestly. We need to create safe spaces for people to talk about their struggles and to find support and understanding. 

Being honest is not easy, but it is essential for healing. We can also be honest with God. We can confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. We can talk openly and freely about our struggles without fear of judgement or ridicule. We can be honest about our mistakes and our failures without feeling ashamed or embarrassed. We can be honest about our successes and our victories without feeling prideful or arrogant. We can be honest about our hopes and our dreams without feeling discouraged or overwhelmed. We can be honest about our fears and our doubts without feeling anxious or worried. We can be honest about our relationships and our interactions with others without feeling guilty or ashamed.

The Truth about Pornography and Masturbation

The truth is that pornography and masturbation can be incredibly damaging and destructive to our lives. They can lead to feelings of guilt and shame, as well as an inability to form healthy relationships with others. They can also lead to a disconnection from God and a lack of spiritual growth. It is important to recognize that these behaviors are not only damaging to our physical and emotional health, but also to our spiritual health. 


Pornography and masturbation offer a false sense of intimacy and connection that can never truly be fulfilled. As Louis Giglio writes in Goliath Must Fall, sin is like a cub in a den, and we must take our little sins seriously, as they can grow into something much bigger. We may start out with a seemingly harmless photo, but soon we find ourselves consumed by more extreme forms of pornography. We become insatiable, searching for something that doesn't exist, and this can lead to addiction.

What do we do about it?

The first step is to find a qualified professional who can help us understand our addiction and provide us with the tools to break free. This could include therapy, support groups, or even online resources. Additionally, we must be honest with ourselves about our unmet desires and take action to address them. This could include developing healthier habits, such as meditation, journaling, or spending time in nature.

The second step is to develop a spiritual practice. This could include prayer, reading the Bible, or attending church. This practice can help us to develop a deeper connection with God and to find true intimacy with Him. This will help us to break free from the bondage of pornography and masturbation and to begin to experience true intimacy with God.

Finally, we must be willing to make changes in our lives. These changes could include developing healthier relationships with ourselves and with others, learning to forgive ourselves and others, and developing healthier habits and behaviors. This will help us to break free from unhealthy patterns and to begin to experience true freedom and joy in our lives.

The Reality of Porn in Our Society

Pornography is a destructive force in our society. It has been linked to sex trafficking, rape culture, and a host of other issues. It can lead to addiction, divorce, and even depression. It is easy to get sucked into the world of pornography, and it can be difficult to break free. 

The reality is that pornography is a symptom of a larger problem. It is a symptom of a broken and hurting world. People who are in the industry often feel trapped and unable to escape. They feel like they have no other choice but to accept the lifestyle that pornography offers them. 

There is a Better Way and a Better Life

Josh experienced this firsthand. After giving his life to Christ, he was given a new heart, a new mind, and new desires. He was able to unlock gifts and talents that he never knew he had. With the help of his faith, he was able to break free from unhealthy patterns and begin to experience true freedom and joy in his life. He was able to get married, have children, lead a ministry, write a book, and plant a church.


    Joshua’s story is a testament to the power of faith and dedication. He was able to break free from unhealthy patterns and find true abundance through Christ. He was able to experience true freedom and joy in his life. His story is a reminder that no matter how deep we have fallen, we can still find redemption and abundance through Christ. We must create self-awareness, understand the difference between conviction and shame, learn to love God, and understand godly sorrow. With the right support and dedication, we can break free from unhealthy patterns and begin to experience true freedom and joy in our lives. 


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Josh Broome

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My name is Joshua Broome and there was a 6 year period of my life where I was one of the most successful adult film stars in the world. I obtained fame, wealth, and traveled the world all to find out that none of those would fill the emptiness in my heart. I have been appearing on podcasts, tv shows, and standing on stages for the last five years telling God’s story In my life. I have overcome depression, battling thoughts of suicide, and the emotional scars that come with doing 1,000+ pornographic films. Today I am healed through the life giving power found in Jesus and spent the last decade replacing lies with God’s truth along teaching others what I’ve learned. I have been married for seven years this July, we have three sons, and I have devoted my life to those who feel like their life is over because of a circumstance or situation. It’s never too late to change the course of your life.

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