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MINISERIES: How to go from "Just Friends" to Dating


JD Rodgers

Friends! We are SO excited to be doing a brand NEW miniseries here at Heart of Dating! We currently in between seasons, but still wanted to bring some new, fresh, epic content for you all!

So, we decided to answer YOUR questions with the assistance of our good, SINGLE, guy friend... JD RODGERS!

JD Rodgers from is the creative director at The Porch Ministry with Watermark Church! JD is 27 years old and live in Dallas, Texas and he is passionate about stewards men how to be great leaders!

Today, we kick off our new miniseries with a question we recieved from you, "How do you go from Just Friends to Dating?"

Some highlights of today's episode:

-Friendship is apart of a foundation of a good relationship

-Friendship is a great indicator of someone you could potentially date

-Don’t assume someone likes you more than a friend unless they tell you.

-Don’t act on impulse, but process your feelings

-"Either make her your woman or quit acting like her man" -JD Rodgers

Connect with JD on Instagram HERE

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