Our LGBTQ+ Series continues today as we interview someone who is married to someone who was same-sex attracted. Yes! It’s possible! We urge you to keep an open mind while listening to this episode and fully hear Greg's story. As we embark on this journey diving into gender, faith, and sexuality we must first remember to lead in humility with open ears and open hearts. Today, Preston Perry shares to us his beautiful story of his wife and his as they both walked through this journey together.
What does it look like to date someone who is same sex attracted?
What does it look like to seek to understand what someone is going through?
How were you able to see the other buckets of intimacy - emotional, spiritual, etc. of your relationship on an even playing field without glorifying sexual intimacy?
Could you describe that light bulb moment wherein you realized that Jackie had the best type of characteristics for a partner that led to you guys being married?
Can you open up some of your fears that came up while you were dating due to her past?
How did the discipleship for you change over the years and how it was vital for you and your relationship with Jackie?
What does it really look like to give the same grace that God has given you?
What is your final nugget of dating advice?
"We do a bad job at humanizing people that we don’t understand"
"I had a realization that Jackie's past should not be stronger than my love for her"
His issues started to come up when he started becoming vulnerable towards Jackie and she gave him the same amount of grace that he’s given her
Preston Perry is a poet, performance artist, teacher, and apologist from Chicago. By the grace of God, Preston has become a formidable communicator of the gospel. His love for people inspires him to pair transparency and vulnerability with his creativity in a way that promotes freedom. Preston pursues engagement with people from various faith backgrounds. He has a palpable passion for God’s word, and stands on biblical truth amidst his study of other religions. Preston’s writing and teaching has been featured on ministry platforms like The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, the Poets in Autumn Tour, and Legacy Disciple. In 2017, Preston founded Bold TV and Bold Apparel as avenues to engage the public in theological discourse. Though Preston shares God’s desires for humanity publicly - he considers his family his primary ministry. Preston resides in Atlanta with his wife Jackie and their three beautiful daughters.
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