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A Story of Hope and Redemption


Keewani Cook

Kait and Kiwi talk about Kiwi's story as a Compassion child, why compassion is so meaningful to Kait, and how you can get involved now.

Kiwi’s Story

  • Born and raised in the Philippines. 
  • She had an alcoholic father. 
  • From a very poor family with very little access to healthcare and food.
  • Her dad heard about Jesus one day, and in that moment received Jesus as his personal Lord and savior and for the first day he came home sober. 
  • Her parents then decided to take her and her siblings to church and hear about Jesus. 
  • Compassion came to her church and at the age of 7 she became a Compassion child and received a sponsor from Australia. 
  • Through that she began to realize how Jesus sees her. 
  • Jeremiah 29:11-12
  • She wanted to go to college, so Keewani and her mother began to pray and then God provided. As she was graduating, Compassion sent her to college for free and she is now a physical therapist working in Dallas. 
  • Believe, pray, and obey God. 
  • Her mom became a pastor of a small community church in the Philippines. 
  • They opened a children's ministry in their own backyard. 
  • Blessed people, bless people. She is now sponsoring 4 children of her own. 

Why compassion is so meaningful to Kait

  • Went through a really hard time during covid and it was during that time she started sponsoring her first Compassion child, Nancy. 
  • After that she went through a really hard break up and during that she started sponsoring her second child, Renee. 
  • Don’t discount the disappointment in dating, don’t shove it in a box, feel it, but also redirect to hope! 
  • One thing we can do in singleness is reminding ourselves we have a calling and a purpose. You can make a difference right now in your singleness. 
  • Consider checking out Compassion and sponsoring a child at 
  • By sponsoring a child you’re ensuring that child has access to basic necessities such as education, healthcare, nutrition, clean water, and discipleship. It’s $38/month and can completely change their life. 
  • Through sponsoring you’ll get a welcome kit AND the HOD dad hat!! You will also join the HOD community that does sponsor children and meet quarterly and do events. 
  • Planning a tour of Guatemala! We don’t have exact dates but we’re going and it’s going to be so much fun! 

Headshot of Keewani Cook

Keewani Cook

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With a genuine heart for people and a strong desire to
provide help and healing, Keewani Vallejo Cook (Kiwi)
thrives in her work both as a physical therapist and in
her travels around the States and Canada to share her
Born into abject poverty in the Philippines, Kiwi’s
childhood was difficult and heartbreaking. Her family
moved frequently due to their inability to pay rent, and
there was rarely enough food to go around. They lost
family members to treatable medical conditions, all because they could not afford healthcare
when it was needed. Life was hard, and she couldn’t imagine a way out of the hopelessness.
When Kiwi was 7 years old, she was invited to
participate in Compassion's child development
program through a church in her community.
With the love, support, encouragement and care
she received from her sponsors and the
Compassion program staff, her life began to
change drastically. Hope grew in her heart as
she experienced God’s great love and learned
that He had a plan for her life and future.
Being sponsored through Compassion made it
possible for Kiwi to receive an education and a
university degree, which released her from the
poverty she grew up in. Her family recently
launched a children's ministry in their own
backyard directly impacting young people in their
community and helping to spread the word of God.
Kiwi is a powerful speaker who loves to inspire young people and adults to grow in their
relationships with the Lord. She speaks passionately about the power of prayer, faith without
limits, discovering God’s will, obedience to God, and the compassion of Jesus.
Kiwi and her husband, Terry, live in Dallas, Texas.

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