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PART 1: Divorce, Purity, and Maintaining Joy Within it All


Jessica & Vincent Shakir

It’s always special when our host, Kait Warman, gets to have really amazing friends on the podcast. So today Kait had the absolute joy and pleasure to invite two of her very best friends on the show…. Jessica and Vincent Shakir. You guys are going to just fall in love with them!

Kait has known Jess for years and she is one of her dearest best friends. And then just 2.5 years ago Kait had the honor of seeing Jessica get married to Vincent, and was even honored to stand alongside of them in their wedding which was such a treat!

This couple has ONE of the most beautiful, powerful, encouraging, and extensive stories. Their testimony covers topics such as dating after divorce, staying pure, dating later in life, getting married in your 30’s, and even not kissing until engagement (yes, you heard that right!)This episode is going to encourage you in so many different ways.

Jessica has been working as a hair + makeup artist for 22 years with a celebrity clientele that includes Colbie Caillat, Kevin Bacon, Jane Lynch, Rachel Hunter, Selma Blair, Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park, The Backstreet Boys, and Eminem. As a TV Beauty Expert, Jessica has been regularly featured on national TV segments on shows including ABC’s FABLife and The Dr. Oz Show. She is currently the Key Artist for Praise and Better Together on TBN, and has worked on set of The Talk, Steve Harvey, Wendy Williams, and America’s Next Top Model. Jessica is the Founder of My Beauty BFF, an educational platform specializing in Inner Beauty and Makeup Workshops for the woman who’s passionate about “Blending Beauty and Faith!"

Jess will help you look gorgeous, but more importantly, she’ll empower you to FEEL beautiful and LIVE brave so you can fulfill your God-given assignment here on Earth!

Now her amazing hubby Vincent has a very extensive work history in consulting, sales, hospitality, retail management, and real estate from all over the nation.  He is a true entrepreneur at heart. Vincent has a heart to give back and has worked with over 40 non-profit organizations across the nation.

In recent years, Vincent has added the title of Photographer to his list of professions. He has found that his experience in life – professionally, personally, and spiritually – has allowed him to capture his clients in a beautifully unique way.

Together the two of them make a dynamic duo that just shower light and love and joy to everyone they meet. They have a heart for relationships, and are incredibly hospitable and love discipling singles and couples.

Now a quick caveat friends is that the Kait and the Shakirs talked so much, and their conversation was actually so RICH that we actually split it into two parts… so stick with us!

Today in part 1 we really focus on how to have hope, joy, and persistence in your singleness as you date later in life, as you date being a VIRGIN  (in Jessica’s case), and as you date after divorce (in Vincent's case)

How did you get through a season that was a bit treacherous or you felt a little bit lonely?

  • Jess was 36 and Vincent was 34 when they got married.
  • “I can’t feed into my hope and my hopelessness at the same time.” - Jess
  • Not feeding into your hopelessness is a choice. You have to overcome the temptation of comparison.
  • God has your back and will give you the desires of your heart that align with His.
  • You have to be willing to trust God regardless of where He takes you, even if it’s not where you want to be.
  • Vincent talks about getting married young and facing a divorce at the early age of 24 in a city where he didn’t know anyone nor didn’t have any family.
  • Vincent talks about how it took a lot of time to heal from his divorce, but that the healing timeline is different for everyone.
  • “If you want to know yourself you have to get to know your identity in the one who created you” -Vincent
  • “Letting God be God is what helped me be okay on my own”- Vincent
  • You have to be willing to simply serve the Lord without expecting something in return. Don’t love God with conditions.
  • “There is freedom when you allow God to be the outcome of your love life”- Jess

How did you navigate just not giving your whole hearts while dating?

  • Jess and Vincent talk about how God truly protected them while dating because they gave their outcomes to God.
  • Jess said she prayed, “Lord, I give you the key to my heart so no man can take it without going to you first”
  • “God is faithful when I am faithless” -Jess
  • Both Jessica and Vincent felt that for their own relationship that God was calling them to save their first kiss together until engagement.
  • Their dating season was about trusting God and listening to Him for guidance.
  • Jess and Vicnent share their beautiful dating store and how God orchestrated it.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 coming next week!

Other Resources:

Follow Jessica on Instagram HERE

Follow Vincent on Instagram HERE

Find out more about Jessica's programs by visiting HERE

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