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MINISODE: 3 Ways to Embrace your Feminine


Kait Warman

Today’s MINISODE features Heart of Dating’s very own host Kait Warman as she expands on the topic of Feminine Energy from our previous episode with Arielle Estoria. Kait brings some deeper insight on the topic of feminine energy and discusses three practical ways and strategies women can embrace their feminine side.

Some themes Kait touches on are:

How can we embrace femininity in a culture putting pressure on women to uphold more masculine energies?

How does one give up the desire to always have control?

Is it possible to be feminine and still be bold and confident?

How can one be a  #GIRLBOSS and still slow down and embrace the present?

Kait also discusses 3 Ways on how women can embrace their feminine energy:

  1. Giving Up Control, and realizing that your “way of doing things” isn’t the only way!
  2. Having needs and NOT Demands. Learn how to kindly voice your needs in a more loving and approachable way!
  3. Slow down and embrace simply being. Breathe and live in the present!
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