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MINISERIES: Should I Date Potential?


JD Rodgers

We're baaaackkkk! Friends, we are on week number 7 with the incredible JD Rodgers as he and Kait answer some of your hottest dating questions! Today, we are getting #REAL when it comes to dating "potential".

We're all broken people, right? BUT, how many red flags are "TOO" many red flags to ignore? How do you keep your standards high, but still leave space for other peoples' imperfections?

JD and Kait answer these questions and more!

Some highlights from today's bite-sized episode:

  • You are not designed to fix someone else. if you think you can fix them, it probably means you need fixing
  • Be weary of becoming someone else’s security blanket or "therapist".
  • Don’t expect someone to be perfect, but don’t date potential.
  • Just because someone goes to church, doesn’t mean they have a relationship with God or the fruits of the Spirit.... How can someone truly love you without knowing God’s love?
  • “So often we are stuck with dating potential because we limit what we think God can do for us”- Kait Warman
  • Be weary of having a scarcity mindset as you date!
  • You have to be careful because oftentimes, if someone is not healthy, the person they’re dating becomes collateral damage.
  • When you date potential, you are lowering your standards.
  • “It’s better to be lonely and single now, than lonely in a marriage one day” - JD Rodgers

We hope you enjoy this episode AND that you all have a very Merry Christmas!

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