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Mini Man-sode 17: Addison Bevere, Prayer and Words with God


Addison Bevere

Addison Bevere joins JJ to talk through prayer, knowing God’s voice, and inviting Him into our lives. 

Process of Discerning God’s Voice

  • Peace isn’t having all the answers it’s being in tune with the answer. 
  • God is going to take you places and ask you to do things that don’t logically make sense. 
  • Silence isn’t a rejection, it is an invitation to a new way of knowing and a new way of engaging with God and being led by God and having words with God. That reveals things about ourselves and about God and about our situation that we didn’t previously know and understand. 

I heard this quote from you.. Prayer is not just about the invitation.. It’s about the struggle. Can you unpack that?

  • Prayer isn’t a transactional opportunity to get what we need from God. 
  • Prayer is an invitation into intimacy with the person of God and how God revels himself through purpose and relationships in this world. 
  • It can be a struggle sometimes because there is a temptation to make God the slave to our desires. That’s a real struggle. 
  • In a difficult season Addison heard the Lord say, “I won’t deliever you from a thing, if that thing will deliver you to me.” 
  • Prayer is the invitation to know God and be known by God. 

Does our pride and control surface in the seeking of God’s voice? How does it impact the process of listening?

  • Scripture tells us to ask in prayer. 
  • Jesus praying in the Garden, embodied 3 dementions of prayer that we need to embody.
  • 1. He was specific 
  • 2. Steadfast
  • 3. Surrendered 
  • Faith is discovered, understood, and matured as we move through doubt. 
  • So much of prayer leads us into a silent surrender. There are truths that can only bubble up in silence. 
  • 1 Thessalonians 5 
  • Romans 12 
  • The majority of prayer is being receptive and open. 
  • A lot of us have missed out on prayer because we’re aiming for the wrong mark. 
  • Prayer isn’t another thing to do. It’s the thing that brings everything we do together. 

Is it an active decision to invite God into our world?

  • Yes, the biggest decisions end up feeling not so big. 
  • When we bring rest, stillness, and surrender into our activity we have clairty. We know what to do, when to do it, why to do it, how to do it. 
  • Prayer isn’t a transactional formula, it’s an experience to share. 
  • The Lord’s Prayer isn’t a formula it’s a framework. 
  • God is a gentleman and will wait on the invite.

Where do I start to invite God in through prayer?

  • Pray, “I am here” throughout the day
  • 3 dimensions to this prayer…
  • 1. I am here, I can’t be here and somewhere else. I’m going to be present to the presence of God. 
  • 2. I am here. I’m not where I once was, and I’m not where I’m going. I’m here today. I’m not going to allow the accuser to come in and steal this moment through accusation, condemnation, and shame steal what this moment has for me by distracting me by what has been or what will be. I am going to be in this moment. 
  • 3. I am here. The great I Am is here. He will not forsake me. 
  • Pray I am here over and over until these three dimensions become reality.

Is it important as a single to get started and working on a vibrant prayer life now?

  • The people who make the best transition from singleness into marriage are the ones who don’t go into it looking for the other person to provide a peace, a presence, a power, or a purpose that is only forged in the presence of God. 
  • Your husband, your wife, your children, your purpose will not ever give you what you think it will in those areas. We were created for more. 

Evaluating the decision even after you feel like you heard God’s voice.

  • It’s okay for you to be dissapointed in the type of prayer you’ve engaged with. There is a totally different way to go about it. 
  • We start to view prayer as the way to get answers from God about what to do and then it’s kinda like okay God get out of my way, I know what to do. 
  • And God is responding with, “I don’t need you to do things, this is really about us connecting.” 
  • The journey doesn’t look like what we expect it to. 

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Addison Bevere

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Addison D. Bevere appreciates the simple things in life—time spent playing with his four kids, late-night conversations with his wife, interesting words that no one uses, a meaningful day of work, and, of course, a good book. The author of Saints and coauthor of bestseller The Holy Spirit: An Introduction, Addison serves as the COO of Messenger International, a discipleship organization that impacts millions of people in virtually every country through its various initiatives. He is also a cofounder of More at

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