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Mini Man-sode 11: Porn…What’s the Real Problem?


Matt Droguett

Matt Droguett joins JJ this week to talk about how porn is a symptom of a deeper problem. 

How did you get to where you are?

  • His wife quit her job and told him he needed to begin. 
  • He was already passionate about meeting with guys, pouring into them, helping them figure out why they’re self sabotaging. 
  • Sheer necessity to not have his family starve or get kicked out. 

What is your “controversial thesis” regarding men and winning the war on porn?

  • Porn is not the problem. 
  • For anyone who struggles with porn, it’s the manifestion of the lack of work done behind the scenes in the heart of their life. 
  • Porn is the check engine light, and all the things you’re really hiding from, emotion, pain, trauma, rejection, inadequacy, feelings of not being good enough, are what’s actually happening in the engine. 
  • “I don’t think it’s good enough to just quit the behavior of porn as a Christian man. Unless you get to the root of the reasons why you ever went there to begin with and what role, function and purpose it was serving you to avoid consistently and constantly, you’re going to just find another addiction, weather it’s a woman, your work, ministry, or some other external source to give you validation, acceptance, and approval.” 
  • “What I see most guys doing, is they’re trying to focus on quitting porn when the antidote is actually to become an emotionaly healhty connected man. And when you have wholeness, porn naturally disappears as you become that emotionally whole man.” 
  • Ignorance is always addiction’s best friend. 
  • Hosea 4:6

9pm and You Haven't Done the Work

  • When someone comes to me and says, “Matt, it’s 10pm I need to go to porn. My resonse is…Have you not loved yourself at all today? How has your self-talk been? How has giving yourself compassion been lately? 
  • When someone at 9pm has an urge to go to porn to try to meet their needs in a toxic or destructive, unhealthy way, ask, what is the real need? 
  • No one goes to porn because they don’t love God enough. Because they’re not praying enough. Because they’re not reading their Bible enough. People go to porn because we don’t love ourselves enough. 
  • Porn is usually an act of self-hatred where you’re disconnecting from you to not want to be with you because you think that you’re not enough as you are. You can’t be okay as you are. 
  • What would it look like to bring compassion, kindnes, empathy in? 
  • Did you practice? What work have you been putting in? Have you been connecting to your heat? Have you been becoming connected and aware of what you’re needing? Have you done anything for yourself to take care of you in your connection with God, with yourself, with other people? So that you’re going to bed feeling connected, seen, and significant.

What is the connection between intimacy and the desire to look at porn?

  • Porn is not sexual. Sex is not about sex. It’s about an emotional and spirtual connection with your spouse. 
  • You were chasing the feeling of belonging, connection, and intimacy. 
  • The connection is disconnection. No one goes to porn because they want pleasure, they just want to feel less bad. 

How do men’s groups, the church and even other porn coach programs mess up in their approach?

  • If we focused not on the behavior, not on what your streak has been, not on how many days it’s been, but you actually focus on the innards of a man’s heart that we all want to run from. If you were to ask, hey, how is your heart doing? 
  • Let’s focus on the heart, with a lot of compassion, so much kindness. Unless you’re able to see somebody with a lot of compassion in their mess, you have no authority to help them. 
  • Sit with them, not there to fix them. 
  • Why do you really go there, in the first place? 

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Matt Droguett

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Matt lives in Maui with his wife and two boys. He has been porn free for 10 years and coaching men into freedom porn recovery for 3 years. More generally, he is a self-sabotage and addiction coach.

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