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Men Can’t Read Your Mind


Kait Tomlin

Can men read your mind?

A lot of singles are out here wondering WHY THEY ARE STILL SINGLE.

Why aren’t they being asked out?

Why it’s not going anywhere?

Why they are getting older when everyone else seems to be getting boo’d up?

I want to address this HEAD ON… because I actually think there are some REASONS why the ladies are not getting asked out.

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It’s all about COMMUNICATION!

Like the title of this blog says, men can’t read your mind ladies… communicate and be clear with how you feel.

Do you like them? Open the door. Drop the Hanky.

If you claim to be “old fashioned” and don’t be the one to first show interest GET THIS: dropping the hanky is actually an old fashioned way of women meeting men. It started in the Victorian era! Women have been doing this for hundreds of years!

Ladies, can I assure you that most men are completely clueless that you’re into them… 

Men can be just as shy about expressing interest (they have feelings too, ya know!) so they’re most likely not going to start pursuing you unless they’re at least a little confident that the feelings mutual!

Ladies, you CAN show interest. You make the first move.

It is OKAY for women to communicate their feelings, and in fact, men PREFER this.

Just remember to remove any expectations and be prepared for rejection. Be confident in who you are and set your mind up for protection from rejection. Even if the guy is not interested… it does NOT mean you are any less worthy or incredible or loved. You are ALL of those things. You have to know and be confident in what you bring to a relationship.

So what do I do (as a woman)...

Let’s say you’re on a dating app for 2 weeks and you are talking, talking, talking, BUT he is not asking you out. WHAT DO YOU DO?

Are you frustrated that they just keep texting you? Voice it! Why? Because you are already in a position of receiving- he’s been talking to you and pursuing you in a way over messaging. You are not leading or taking over when you tell him how you feel. You have leverage to tell him how you feel and what you want.

Now I am a firm believer of the feminine and masculine, so ladies I want to invite you to do this in a feminine way… IT CAN BE DONE.

You are not taking over and still residing in your femininity…when you say it like this,

Hey I just want to let you know that I have absolutely loved chatting with you the last 2 weeks and I find you very interesting… and you have a way of making me FEEL really good when we talk on this app. However, for ME (notice that- peels energy off the man. You are taking care of YOU it’s not about him taking care of you), I don’t usually like to chit chat on the app for more than 2 weeks without seeing THE PERSON (it is not about him, it’s about YOU) in person If you would like to ask me out to meet in person, I would love that. If you are not interested in doing that, that is totally OKAY (you honor his individuality).. But if you are not wanting to meet in person, I will be moving forward.”

Remember that for the next time, this happens… you don’t have to just stand to the side. Truthfully, this is the quickest way to bring you clarity as to what is ACTUALLY going on and prevent you from any further confusion or heartbreak. 

Need a little bit more on this topic? Check out this episode from my "Why They Aren’t Asking You Out" 4 Part MiniSeries with Anthony O’Neal!

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