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How Kait & JJ Met


Kait Tomlin

How did Kait & JJ first meet?

Kait and JJ’s COVID relationship first began in February 2021 on (of course) a ZOOM event where JJ was participating in an all-girl’s conference as a BACHELOR (yup you heard that right) on a blind date, where Kait was speaking later. Prior to the call, JJ locked virtual eyes on Kait and was immediately ~captivated~ by her personality, charm, looks and story. After his blind date, the bachelors were invited to stay on the call and listen, an offer JJ could not help accept. He changed his name to a girls name on Zoom and listened in intently. After hearing Kait’s redemptive story, JJ’s interest grew in attraction to her character, healing and mission.

Following that day, an assist from the event leaders got JJ the introduction to Kait, who upon learning that JJ was 5.5 years younger and had blue hair, RELUCTANTLY said yes to a virtual FaceTime date. Contrary to her assumptions, the blue-haired skater boy with a black diamond earring actually had a surprisingly great disposition and struck her curiosity... who would have GUESSED!

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So what happened after that?

Following this first virtual date, came many more FaceTimes, flowers, chocolates, and a visit from JJ to Los Angeles (at the one month mark) where they put their budding romance to the in-person test. Would true love survive this test? YES...Somehow it did! An incognito trip to Lululemon to grab more appropriate attire in the middle of a date, conversations on style, and a romantic viewing of You’ve Got Mail led Kait to feeling more and more connected to this so called skater-punk boy.

Truth be told, Kait had a good friend, Elyse Murphy, give her an in person pep talk after this first in person meetup as Kait was stuck on JJ’s style and hygiene. Two things that were SO superficial, and she KNEW it… but even still she needed a taste of her own medicine. THANK THE LORD for good friends who aren’t afraid to speak truth to us, are we right?

The couple kept long distance dating. Weeks later, Kait took a Sleepless in Seattle Tour to the place where JJ called home. It was 2.5 months into knowing one another and this trip sealed the deal in many ways for them to soon after become an official couple.

From here, time waited on no man and JJ packed his bags to move down to Southern California to join his sweetheart... Months passed, the puppies grew and so did JJ and Kait’s affection for each other. At the Thanksgiving timeframe, it was clear to JJ’s slow mind that this would be the woman he would be blessed and lucky to marry one day; he began his search for the ring and planning the engagement day of a lifetime. After the classic quest of asking for Kait’s hand in marriage from her father and brother, the day of engagement was near.

How did Kait and JJ get engaged? 

There, on a beautiful day in OC, Kait’s all day engagement scavenger hunt began filled with french scrapbooks, handwritten letters, a trip to Disney, and surprise videos from friends and family that lead her to a final romantic location: the most beautiful, sunset proposal in Laguna Beach where tears flowed, promises were exchanged and Kait accepted JJ’s invitation to marry him! And you know the rest…

PS! One of the best parts of their story was that even though they KNEW they were in love much before engagement, they both felt the desire to wait to say I love you until engagement!

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