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Ballin' on a Budget in Dating


Anthony ONeal

Heart of Dating welcome Anthony ONeal to the show to discuss finances, budgeting, and how to steward it well in singleness and dating!

Anthony ONeal is a #1 national best-selling author, financial expert and host of the popular online series “The TABLE” on his YouTube channel. He is the author of The Graduate Survival Guide, Debt-Free Degree and Destroy Your Student Loan Debt. Since2015Anthony has served at Ramsey Solutions,where he teaches young adults how to budget, live without debt, avoid student loans, and build real wealth for their future. 

Today, Kait and Anthony discuss different aspects of finances in dating and singleness!

What are some of the biggest things you’ve learned dating as a single man?

  • That you have to be secure in where you are and where you’re going
  • Be secure in who you are.
  • Sometimes as a single, he hasn’t always been a good steward of the single season.

What are your thoughts on the idea that you have to have everything together before putting yourself out there and dating?

  • If you believe this… then you’ll never date.
  • You should have a foundation before you date and a foundation before you get married.
  • Anthony shares his story of how he ended up not get married to a great woman he was engaged to because he tried to be perfect before marrying her.
  • Yes, you should be working towards your goals, working towards your vision and at least be providing for yourself.
  • A grown man acknowledges that he may not be perfect, but is stable and solid.
  • When looking to the foundation, look to their community as well. Look at who speaks into their life. Look into who speaks into your life.
  • Anthony discusses stewardship which in a biblical sense is saying that God owns everything and we are managers of it. So when dating, see how the person is managing what God has given them.

What is the balance between putting dating on pause to get some of your life in order and going out there and dating knowing it’s a growing process?

  • If you’re still hurt from a past relationship, you need to pause to heal and seek counsel
  • Anthony talks about how he went to see therapy, spiritual guidance, and godly counsel.
  • Know your boundaries, and if you don’t know what they are, then you may need to pause dating. 
  • If you don’t know your boundaries and set them clearly, someone else may do it.

You can connect with Anthony ONeal on TwitterInstagramFacebook and YouTube or online at

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