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MINISODE: The Stages of Dating and How to SPICE IT UP


Matt Jones

In this MINISODE, Kait brings in her hilarious friend Matt jones to talk about the struggle of being in a dating rut and some fun date ideas to help combat the dry spell! Matt, a self-declared ”fun” guy, says that a lot of dating nowadays – especially among Christians – isn’t FUN anymore. It’s almost like we’re too serious sometimes and don’t even know how to let loose and get to know someone in a way that isn’t sitting across a table, interview style.

Some themes in the MINISODE are:

-What are the 3 different stages of dating, and how can you approach each of them?

-Why doesn’t Matt like getting coffee on a first date?!

-What’s a good first date idea then? How can you create “an experience” and remember the date?

-How can we make dinner dates less boring?

-Having a fun date life can be hard when you’re already in an established relationship. What are some ways to spice it up when you’re in it to WIN it?!

Matt leaves us with his best piece of dating advice that is simple, fun and true: don’t forget to flirt. We’re allowed to flirt, be a little sexy, & dress up… Matt says, “We’re so wrapped up in getting to know each other and saying the right things that we forget to flirt and have fun! You can still love Jesus and love flirting.

Along with quips and sarcastic commentary, Matt shares some great ideas and insight on how to make your dating life much more interesting! We hope you laugh and learn as much as we did in this conversation ;)

Where can we find Matt and more of him?

Instagram: @mattjones6

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