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Are YOU Even Dateable?


Anthony O'Neal

We are still on with the series with the amazing Anthony O’Neal and our very own Kait Warman as they talk about  WHY women aren’t getting asked out in the church.. Kait & Anthony were keeping it real as they tackled how men “Can’t Read Your Mind'' and how  ladies need to “Stop Telling Everyone About It.” Let’s now listen in as they dive in deeper with today’s episode “Are you Even Dateable?”

What can you say to people who have a laundry list of expectations?

  • Anthony believes he cannot require things he cannot do himself.
  • You have to focus on yourself and your growth.
  • Check how you are maximizing your single season.
  • Work on yourself first before you have requirements out there.
“ It is selfish and wrong to expect your significant other to make you happy. It is your responsibility to make yourself happy.” - Rafael

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Anthony O'Neal

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Anthony O’Neal is a #1 national bestselling author, speaker, financial expert, and host of the popular YouTube series and The Table podcast with Anthony O’Neal. He’s passionate about reaching people in a real, relatable, and relevant way and helping them get a clear vision for their future so they can win with their life and money.

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