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How to Drop the Hanky


Kait Warman

So many of y’all ask us:

  • How do I put myself out there and how do I feel confident doing it without being crippled by fear?

These are amazing questions, and because it’s some of the top questions we get asked, our host Kait figured she would quickly dive into some of the highlights for you here on the podcast.

The first thing you should know is that you are not alone in thinking or feeling any of that. Our host, Kait Warman is a 30 year old single woman living in Los Angeles, who also happens to be a dating coach… so she’s in the boat with y’all!

Today, Kait addresses something she often encourages men and women to do: Drop the Hanky! She also addresses some common myths we tend to believe as Christians when putting ourselves out there.

Some themes of today’s episode:
-What is drop the hanky?
-The actual steps to dropping the hanky
-Ideas for shaking things up
-The truth about women putting themselves out there
-The truth about men initiating

PS. Did y’all know we have a private single ladies challenge community? That’s right we have a community of amazing women who are empowering one another, being vulnerable, lifting one another up… it’s amazing. But not only that, Monthly there are new private videos added to the community.

Single Ladies Challenge Videos include: How to Flirt, How to address the Fears of Putting Yourself Out There, The Art of Body language, How to Navigate Your First Few Dates, Top Tips to Creating Your Online Dating Profile, How to deal with Friendadationships… AND SO MUCH MOR!

You can join our amazing community of women and get all the single ladies challenge resources for less than $15/month by going to

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