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The Ultimate Single Dudes Panel: Questions FROM the Ladies


Jarod Nickerson & BC Serna

The conversation continues with Jarod Nickerson and BC Serna on this episode as they answer questions from our lady listeners! Both of them share their hearts and insight on the minds and hearts of Christian single men in this episode!

BC Serna is a traveler, storyteller, and mentor. He has spent the past 11 years traveling the world with non-profit organizations, helping share and tell their stories through film and awareness. He also has a heart for college and high school age students and takes them on trips to teach them about heart-led leadership and global community awareness.After working with hundreds of organizations in over 60 countries and countless amounts students and young adults BC founded a few different types of projects and programs. A few being The Traveling Good, Pursuing Purpose Podcast, and the Mentorship Mastermind.

Jarod Nickerson is an expert in Business Development and Marketing Strategy. He also has an incredible affinity for  Fitness Coaching and as we discuss in the interview he IS definitely BUFF! He loves bringing people together in community and has a constant heart’s desire to help others truly find their PURPOSE and IDENTITY. Jarod is now a mentor and together him and BC are taking over the world with their incredible Mentorship Mastermind which is an 8 week dive into your greatest life questions, struggles, fears, passions, and purpose built alongside a like-minded community of authentic individuals doing life together.

What’s a reason you wouldn’t ask a woman out?

  • If I don’t see enough things line up, I won’t ask her out -Jarod
  • Everyone has preferences and ideas in what they want. There are qualities and traits that we look for.
  • For BC, he talks about how chemistry is important.
  • Jarod views asking a girl out is a painful exchange. So girls, drop the hanky and be BOLD!
  • Unfortunately, pursuing a woman is an act that has been tainted in our culture, so it’s become difficult and nerve-wrecking for men. 

What’s are some ultimate dealbreakers?

  • Faith is a huge dealbreaker. It’s important to be on the same spiritual level as someone else.
  • Jarod talks about how someone who doesn’t care about their health is a huge deal breaker for him.
  • BC says that health is also a dealbreaker for him, specifically smoking.
  • Someone who has a fixed mindset is a red flag and it inhibits growth.

Do you like when a girl plays hard to get?

  • There’s a flirtatious hard-to-get, but Jarod hates when a cold shoulder is given.
  • It’s not a game. If you're interested then be interested. However, there is a balance of a chase and pursuit.
  • BC and Jarod talk about how they like a confident woman with ambition.
  • Hard-to-get shouldn’t be a game, but men are attracted to women who are busy doing things with their life. 
  • Ladies: Have ambition and be confident. Don’t overthink it and just be you. Be genuine from the beginning of the relationship all the way through. 

Do you prefer a natural looking girl or one who dresses up?

  • Guys appreciate girls dressing up, but love a girl who is real and natural.
  • Both BC and Jarod agree that they simply love confidence. So wear confidence ladies!
  • Ladies! You don’t have to wear a lot of makeup. If it’s a creative thing, and you enjoy doing make up then that’s one thing, but make sure to put on a lot of makeup is not because of an insecurity thing.
  • Overall it’s about how you embody your confidence and carry that out.

Have you found yourself with commitment issues and why?

  • Jarod and BC say that it’s not necessarily about commitment issues, it’s about committing to something less than what is desiring.
  • If a guy cannot commit, it’s possible they’re not ready for a relationship and there’s a deeper issue they need to work on.
  • If a guy is stringing you along, set a boundary. You may have to let him go and let him grow, but also be patient and open to listening to why he struggles with commitment.

What are your final nuggets of dating advice?

  • For BC, he says that time is the most valuable asset, so use it work on yourself and ground yourself in a supporting community. “You have to go inward before you can go anywhere outward.”
  • Jarod says to ask yourself the basic questions. Understand who you, because when you do that, then you can attract the people around you. It starts with asking yourself the little questions.
  • BC also says to have PATIENCE and prepare yourself for when you do meet that person you’re going amazing. If you want someone amazing, then you have to make yourself amazing as well. 
  • BC says, “The power of and beauty of singleness is something to be celebrated!” our society puts romantic love on a pedestal, but “flip the script” and thank God for your season!
  • What you choose to focus on is what you choose your life to be in.
  • Fall in love with yourself deeply.
  • “Focus on the good in your life!” -Jarod

Other Resources:

Follow BC on Instagram HERE

See BC's website HERE

Follow Jarod on Instagram HERE

See Jarod website HERE

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