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MM: Boyfriends Aren’t Spiritual Leaders


JJ Tomlin

Today, JJ Tomlin chats about taking a six-month break from dating, building strong friendships, and how to lead spiritually without jumping into things too quickly!


Hey HOD fam! We’re back with another episode that’s packed with wisdom and heartfelt advice for all you single folks out there. Today’s topic is one we get asked about a lot: how to spiritually lead your girlfriend (spolier…you DON’T). JJ Tomlin is here to break it down for us, and trust me, you don’t want to miss it. We’re gonna talk about everything from investing in friendships to defining the relationship to being a true spiritual leader. Let’s jump right in!

Building a Foundation

JJ starts off with some real talk: give yourself six months to be single and pour into building deep, solid friendships. Why? Because you need to learn how to lead yourself before you can lead someone else. Focusing on friendships and community gives you a strong foundation and emotional equity that’s key for any future romantic relationships.

Defining Healthy Boundaries

JJ can’t stress enough the importance of defining the relationship—a.k.a. the DTR. Guys, take the initiative and consistently ask your partner out, make clear plans, and communicate well. This sets a tone of reliability and respect from the get-go. It’s all about making sure you both understand and respect each other’s boundaries.

Spiritual Leadership

When it comes to spiritually leading your girlfriend, JJ’s advice is simple but profound: don’t do it to impress her, do it because it’s a genuine part of your faith. This means encouraging her, praying for her privately, and speaking life into her. Remember, dating isn’t the same as marriage. Don’t jump into the deep end before you’re ready to swim.

Humility and Wise Counsel

Humility is a big theme in today’s chat. JJ shares some of his own growth stories and underscores the need for wise counsel. It’s crucial for men to have the humility to ask for help and to recognize if they’re not ready to lead a relationship or a family just yet.

The Role of Community

JJ points out a mistake many couples make: emotionally investing more in each other than in their friendships and community. It’s not healthy, fam! While it’s important to grow your relationship, don’t neglect the strong friendships and community ties you’ve built. They’re your support system and vital for a balanced life.

Respect and Responsibility

Another critical takeaway: always leave a girl better than you found her. JJ emphasizes that this means treating every woman with the utmost respect and ensuring your actions and words build her up, not tear her down. Seriously, respect is key.

Avoid Over-Spiritualization

JJ also cautions against the dangers of over-spiritualizing relationships. While faith is super important, pushing too hard or going too deep too fast can be overwhelming. Balance your faith journey with wisdom and love.

Practical Advice for Leading Well and Conclusion

So how do you lead well? JJ’s got some practical tips:

- Consistently encourage and uplift her.

- Pray for her sincerely and privately.

- Always speak life into her.

- Learn and grow together in your faith.

Discussing and respecting boundaries is a must, and inviting wise counsel into your relationship early on can really help guide and support you both.


JJ wraps it up with some reflections on his own growth journey. It’s not just about dating; it’s about building a relationship that honors God and respects each other. He reminds men to prepare deeply and lead with humility and excellence.

That’s it for today, HOD fam! Keep sending in those questions and thoughts—we love hearing from you. Stay tuned for more wisdom and keep growing together in love and faith. Catch you next time!

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JJ Tomlin

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JJ Tomlin is a missionary kid born in Belgium, originally from Tennessee, and currently residing in the OC. He currently works in Gaming/E-Commerce, enjoys watching his Tennessee Titans on Sundays with his Goldendoodle Teddy and loves working with Christian men to raise the bar in singleness and dating.

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