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Mini Man-sode 07: Getting Over Heartbreak (as a Dude)


JJ Tomlin

Join JJ as he gives you some encouragement and walks through how to practically get over heartbreak as a dude. 


  • The majority of the guys of HOD(90%) the reason why they follow HOD, the reason why they are here to learn, is because of heartbreak.
  • Heartbreak by FAR has been the #1 motivator for the MAJORITY of men in HOD. 
  • Heartbreak is HARD, it hurts, emotional pain as men is REALLY tough because of the cultutral norm of suppression as men. 
  • HOWEVER, heartbreak can be an incredible motivator.  It can be a powerful force, a spark, a catalyst to amazing change and GROWTH.
  • When we don’t transform emotional pain, we transmit it to ourselves and others. 


  • Getting over heartbreak as a man is for the joy set before you, there is hope and freedom at  the end of the pain. 
  • The pain, it takes extreme vulnerability and strength to acknowledge, to cry out.. 70% of the Psalms are LAMENTING.. OK - literally the man after God’s own heart wrote a book of the Bible and 70% was crying out to the LORD.
  • The greatest trap of the enemy is to KEEP MEN INTERNALIZING PAIN, to keep it NOT COOL to share pain, and heartbreak and be vulnerable with others. 

Here are couple of myths about heartbreak

  • Time heals all wounds 
  • Find a hobby and distract yourself 
  • Logically understand that she is not the only girl.. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands of other girls. 

6 steps to getting over heartbreak as a dude for something GREATER ahead

  • Be courageous, men - Acknowledge the feelings. I know you want to suppress. I know you want to minimize. I get it, its easier to numb and compartmentalize. Why would God give your emotions and feelings if they were a bad thing?
  • Process - Process emotions. Safe guy friends, mentor or therapist, prayer. 
  • Healthy coping - Cope the healthy way. Find a way to spend time with friends, hobbies and activities to create joy. We need to create peaks from the valleys of sorrows. Distinction here.. we aren’t coping to distract, we are coping to create and renew joy. 
  • Refuse to invalidate or minimize - This is a trap.. Why? This is a big deal.. buried feelings never die. More importantly, if the pain is not transformed it is transmitted. This will hinder you, your future relationship and your ability to lead!
  • Embrace the learning God has for you - It is better to learn from our mistakes than it is to repeat them. Don't set yourself up to make the same mistake. Embrace the learning God has for you. Grow. You don’t forge metal under comfort.. God doesn’t forge great men through an easy nice little life.
  • Forgive - This is not a one time decision. There is not usually a final moment of deep forgiveness. Forgiveness is an every day decision, every feeling of resentment is an opportunity to forgive. What is at the end? Freedom.. To love, receive love. 

Ground yourself in this truth.. I might have failed, this relationship might have failed.. But GOD did not fail.

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JJ Tomlin

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JJ Tomlin is a missionary kid born in Belgium, originally from Tennessee, and currently residing in the OC. He currently works in Gaming/E-Commerce, enjoys watching his Tennessee Titans on Sundays with his Goldendoodle Teddy and loves working with Christian men to raise the bar in singleness and dating.

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